Ephemeral JIT Permissioning | Britive
Multi-Cloud Access Management Dynamic, Ephemeral JIT Access

Ephemeral Just-in-Time (JIT) Access Across the Cloud

Striking the balance between speed and security in cloud access. Grant temporary elevated access when users need itwithout the overly complex workflows and request processes. 

Rising Above Traditional PAM Permissioning

As the capabilities and widespread adoption of the cloud continue to increase, organizations continue to face complex security and operational challenges. Relying on traditional privileged access management (PAM) systems only adds to the burden:

Risky Static Permission Models 

While some tools claim to offer “just-in-time” (JIT) access, it involves temporarily granting access to an account with superadmin privileges. Access might be temporary, but it doesn’t address the problem: an over-privileged account exists with statically assigned permissions. 

Inefficient PAM Systems 

Clunky access management systems introduce inefficiencies and cause significant delays in existing workflows. Speed is the name of the game in the cloud — users will find workarounds to tools that are difficult to use.

Outdated Access Management Impacts Compliance

Evaluating access management compliance is cumbersome and complicated. If a tool doesn’t provide visibility into critical environment areas, teams are left with blind spots that require additional effort to address. 

Truly Secure, Ephemeral JIT Access

Britive’s patented ephemeral JIT access technology grants users the access they need when they need it, and automatically revokes it when they’re done. 

Britive achieves this by separating authentication from authorization, meaning that permissions can be dynamically assigned when they’re requested. No static access that people get temporary access to, no manual rotations of credentials. 

  • Time-Bound, Temporary Permissions

    Users get the access they need and only when they need it. Britive’s platform dynamically creates permissions when requested and automatically revokes access after a configurable period of time. 

  • Dynamic Policy-Based Access Control

    Quickly adjust and configure granular permissions based on security policy. Permissions can be assigned based on both user and resource attributes, such as their role, their team, the resource owner, etc. 

  • Unified Platform for Access Management, Compliance, and Visibility

    Simplify the process of requesting, receiving, and adjusting privileged permissions through a single plane of control. Facilitate compliance activities with automated, exportable access logs and data. 

  • Seamless Deployment and Integration

    An API-first, cloud-native design allows for rapid deployment with little to no disruption to existing workflows. Rapidly secure access to new resources, applications, and even environments without delaying project timelines. 

Transform Operations and Security with Ephemeral JIT Access

Enable dynamic, temporary access to sensitive resources and operations without disrupting workflows or slowing teams down. 

Enable dynamic, temporary access to sensitive resources and operations without disrupting workflows or slowing teams down. 


Improve Organizational Security Posture

Reduce the attack surface and eliminate risk from static access and over-privileged accounts in your environment. Implement least privileged access (LPA) and achieve zero standing access (ZSA) across your environment. 

Gain Access Visibility, Facilitate Compliance

Stay compliant with both organizational security policy and regulatory requirements with dynamic, configurable access controls. Facilitate audits and remediation with exportable access logs and data. 

Facilitate Growth and Business Needs in the Cloud

Embrace the dynamic nature of the cloud and expand your cloud footprint fearlessly with seamless integration and support across cloud services, (SaaS, IaaS, etc.), cloud infrastructure, and security tools, and other solutions.

Reduce Friction and Improve Productivity

Improve productivity with faster, on-demand access that supports agile development and operational practices. Integrate seamlessly with workflows and existing tool stacks for built-in, easy-to-use security.

Discover Britive’s Patented Ephemeral Access in Your Environment

Embrace cloud security that moves as fast as your cloud environment does. Request a demo with a member of our team to see how Britive’s cloud PAM platform delivers security without the slowdown.