Modernize OCI IAM with JIT Cloud Access Management

Modernize OCI IAM with JIT Cloud Access Management

Adapting legacy access tools to OCI is a challenging (and costly) endeavor. Streamline operations and elevate security with Britive’s automated, temporary cloud access solution for OCI.

Get the Guide: JIT Temporary Access for OCI

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is a robust and feature-rich cloud environment that empowers cloud-forward business operations. However, when it comes to managing privileged access within OCI, many organizations struggle with the limitations of legacy tools that were designed for on-premises environments.

Download this comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing a Just- In-Time (JIT) permissioning solution tailored for OCI, enabling organizations to enhance security, streamline access management, and future-proof their DevSecOps as the cloud-native paradigm continues to shift and scale.

Britive is the leading Just-in-Time Cloud Access Management solution for OCI.

Secure and Streamline Access in OCI

Enterprises with OCI as part of their legacy tech-stack face the challenge of effectively managing and safeguarding privileged access to their systems and data. Time-bound access management comes into play to address these security risks, providing controls and visibility. However, traditional permissioning solutions struggle to meet the dynamic demands of modern cloud environments.

Britive’s automated, JIT temporary access management platform has emerged as a game-changer for securing and streamlining the permissioning process.

Stop Wasting Time and Resources on Adopting Legacy Access Tools in OCI

Enable Ready-Built JIT Access for OCI

Build faster by automating access and approvals via a unified cross-cloud identity platform that is ready-built and customizable to your existing processes. Adopt a least-privilege security posture without compromising user experience. Allow Britive to provide friction-free JIT access so that your engineers can focus their energy on application development.

Seamless Integration and Easy Deployment

Streamline access requests, approvals, and self-service through automation on Britive’s fully API-driven platform that is easy to deploy. Integrate seamlessly into existing tools, maximizing ROI with a cross-cloud platform that scales with your organization.

Ephemeral JIT Multi-Cloud Access in One System

Britive’s JIT access solution is built for multi-cloud environments, which means that all your privileged access management can be handled from one integrated system. As your organization grows and expands to additional cloud services, Britive’s cross-cloud system will be there to take care of your JIT access approvals.

Streamline & secure cloud access management

Minimize your attack surface, cut overhead, streamline compliance audits, and boost productivity. Get in touch today to see Britive in action.