Cloud PAM for DevSecOps | Britive
Britive Overview

Empowering DevSecOps with Cloud Privileged Access Management

Navigate the complexities of cloud PAM with agility and security.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Britive emerges as a beacon for DevSecOps teams navigating the complexities of privileged access management (PAM) while maintaining the speed of building in the cloud.

Why Britive Stands Apart

Legacy tools and haphazard approaches blending home-grown processes with multiple tools often leads to slow, cumbersome access processes lacking in both security and ease of use.

Britive is designed not only to bridge the gap between development, security, and operations but to unify them with a seamless, secure, and efficient cloud access management solution.

Streamlined Multi-Cloud IAM Integration​

Britive replaces disparate systems with a single IAM platform that seamlessly integrates with all cloud services and applications, eliminating complexity and creating a unified access experience.

Dynamic, Context-Aware Authorization​

With Britive’s adaptive authorization, including Just-In-Time access, organizations can securely grant permissions that are as fluid as their operations require when users need it.

Comprehensive Security Across Platforms​

Britive automates and harmonizes security policies, across multiple cloud and SaaS platforms to facilitate seamless audit processes compliance expectations.

Scalability Without Compromise​

The cloud-native Britive platform is designed to scale identity access management capabilities in tandem with organizational growthwithout compromising security or performance.

Centralized Visibility Across the Cloud​

Britive centralizes access visibility, enabling users to manage and monitor permissions across cloud environments from a single platform, enhancing security and streamlining operations.

Empowering Teams while Protecting Organizations

Britive is more than a tool; it’s a strategic partner in your cloud journey. By centralizing cloud access management, providing dynamic and secure access, and integrating seamlessly with existing infrastructure, Britive empowers DevSecOps teams to innovate at cloud speed without leaving security as an afterthought. 

Features that Empower and Protect

  • Dynamic Cloud Access Management

    Centralize the management of roles, permissions, and policies across all cloud services and applications. Britive’s cloud-native, API-driven platform offers unparalleled visibility and control over your cloud access landscape.

  • Ephemeral Just-In-Time Access

    Grant access when needed and revoke it when the job is done. Our patented ephemeral access methodology ensures that rights are precisely timed, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or privilege escalation associated with standing access. 

  • Access Builder

    Empower teams with the ability to define access requirements through self-service role and permissions creation. This streamlines the process of acquiring necessary permissions without impacting security practices.

  • Secrets Manager

    Securely manage and store sensitive information such as passwords, keys, API tokens, and more. Britive’s Secrets Manager safeguards your secrets, eliminating the risks associated with hardcoded credentials or insecure storage practices.

  • Comprehensive Integrations

    Britive integrates with your existing cloud ecosystem, including software applications, identity providers like Okta, data lakes, CIEMs, and more. This ensures a cohesive environment that leverages the current technology stack to its fullest.

Modernize Access Management to Cloud Resources for All Identities

Embrace the future of cloud privileged access management with Britive. Discover how our platform can streamline operations, enhance security, and drive efficiency across cloud environments. 

Schedule a demo today and see Britive in action. Let’s redefine what’s possible in cloud security and access management together.