Cloud Privileged Access Management (CPAM) | Britive
Cloud PAM

Dynamic Privileged Access Management Designed for the Cloud Agility

Discover the first true dynamic cloud privileged access management (CPAM) platform designed to meet the needs of security, cloud operations, and development teams. 

Legacy PAM Solutions Don’t Reach Cloud Heights

Legacy PAM and identity governance solutions are struggling with the dynamic, distributed nature of cloud environments. Designed to address on-premises access needs while pivoting to meet cloud demands have left large gaps and inefficiencies in these privileged access systems.

Static Access Controls

Legacy PAM tools rely on static privileges. Shared, persistent credentials — even if access to them might be temporary — results in a risky attack surface that leaves critical resources vulnerable.

Complex Deployment

Traditional solutions frequently require complex, agent-based deployments that are cumbersome to manage. Teams spend months on deployment making it difficult to scale and maintain effective controls in expansive cloud environments.

Lack of Adaptability

Requesting and adjusting permissions through legacy tools is clunky and complex, introducing significant delays in workflows. This lack of adaptability results in users finding workarounds and leaving organizations exposed.

Meeting Cloud Privileged Access Management Challenges Head On

Born and built for the cloud, Britive’s platform seamlessly enables the agility and flexibility organizations want from the cloud with the fine-grained controls needed to keep sensitive systems and data secure.

Explore key differentiators and capabilities of Britive’s CPAM platform that focus on giving teams the access they need when they need it, without sacrificing security or additional friction.

True, Ephemeral Just-in-Time (JIT) Access

Britive’s just-in-time (JIT) access controls eliminate the risk of static privileges and reduce the attack surface by granting access only when needed for the shortest amount of time required.

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Policy-Based, Granular Access Control

Fine-grained access controls can be configured according to a user’s needs and changes in the environment. Ensure precise, policy-compliant permissions management.

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Out-of-the-Box Cloud-Native Integrations

Britive supports integrations with existing security monitoring tools, DevOps workflows, and other solutions in the environment. Development and operations teams maintain productivity without disruption.

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API-First, Cloud-Native Design

Britive is integration-focused, simplifying deployment and management. Seamlessly integrate within your existing environments without the need for complex configurations.

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Centralized Access Visibility, Management

Britive is a single plane of control for managing access across multi-cloud environments, software, tools, and other resources. Get comprehensive visibility over all human and non-human activities and permissions.

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Centralized Access Requests: Access Builder

Access Builder empowers end-users to build their own permissions to streamline access creation and provisioning with optional approval workflows.

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Secure Kubernetes (K8s) Cluster Access

Britive is the easiest and fastest way for teams to work securely with dynamic role-based access control (RBAC) for any K8s cluster.

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Britive Cloud PAM Anywhere

Extend the power of cloud privileged access management (CPAM) to private resources in on-premises, private networks, or VPCs.

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Benefits of Britive’s Dynamic Cloud PAM


Enhance Security Posture

Improve organizational security by eliminating standing privileges and over-privileged access. Reduce the attack surface with zero standing access and least-privileged access.

Operational Efficiency

Streamline access management processes and reduce the administrative overhead. Enable faster onboarding and access provisioning that can keep up with cloud speeds.

Scalability and Flexibility

Support the dynamic growth of your cloud environment with a solution that scales with your infrastructure. Add multiple cloud providers and integrate new tools without losing a beat.

Streamline Compliance

Ensure compliance with internal security policies and regulatory requirements. Britive provides exportable audit trails and access logs to facilitate audits and meet compliance requirements.

Managing Access Across Your Multi-Cloud Environments

Download this guide to learn how cloud identity security management platforms are designed to support JIT access privileges in multi-cloud environments.

  • Uncover and mitigate security flaws 
  • Minimize attack surface sprawl 
  • Manage and eliminate privilege drift 
  • Centralize control over all cloud privileges and secrets

Discover Britive’s CPAM in Action

Embrace cloud security that moves as fast as your cloud environment does. Request a demo with a member of our team to see how Britive’s cloud PAM platform delivers security without the slowdown.